Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Wingman


It's really here.

Funny, I envisioned this weekend many times over the past several months and now that it's here it feels surreal...

Ed, Katherine Rose, James and I trawled the Runner's Expo and picked up the bib numbers. It was a big moment. James said when we walked into the expo, "Welcome to the world of the skinny people!" :)

Together, we attended the TNT Pasta Dinner this afternoon and it was an inspirational time... Thanks to YOU and your generosity, the Team Goal of $700,000 was exceeded! We were within $2,000 yesterday and by this afternoon we were over by more than $5,000 :) Hooray!

A lot of things came together today... I'd been trying for weeks to figure out my "race strategy" --Everyone kept asking me what it was going to be and I just couldn't put my finger on it. (Honestly, I don't remember having one last time.) There is a piece of me that wanted to test my limit-- appealing in some way, but every time I tried to envision running the entire course solo, it just didn't feel right.

Broached the subject with James this afternoon-- Just came out and said, "Will you run with me?" He replied slowly, "Yes. As long as you don't talk about running while we're running." I replied, "Deal. As long as you don't wear your iPod while we're running together." Done. The sibling compromise.

Finished our day with an awesome mass at the St. Francis Chapel in the Prudential Center. If you are ever in Boston and need a reflective space this is a little oasis. The place was packed with runners and the priest's homily talked about the "Marathon Journey."
James and I will begin the journey to Boston together with Aidan and Maria's light to guide.

With love and appreciation to all who have come along,

P.S. As I type this blog, Steady Eddie is carefully lacing my race chip onto my sneaker following the very specific directions the BAA has put forth. As always, right there when I need you.

Quote of the week: "We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other." Luciano de Crescenzo
Came across this quote in two very different places this past week. Took it as a sign.

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